
Showing posts from March 15, 2014


Electrician, electrician give light, it give light to street, home, house, hotel, church, school, hospital, mall, ship, airplane and many other.

How to win friends

How to win friend, every one need a friend, regardless of age gender, nationality, educational back ground, religion,race,system of belief all people has a friend. One of the nature of friendship is activity sharing,it is sharing of work, idea, thougth, to win the frienship help other, praise other or do the same activity, it mean to fish together, to hunt together. Proper wearing of dress ,in wearing a dress select the what to wear in every occasion. be neat and clean in your wearing, be smart in selecting the dress, observe the proper color and style that fit for every occasion, if you are fat select the dark color, and if you are thin select the brighter one. Be happy if you see the people you know, did you wonder why dog is very happy every time they see us. they give us joy.

Baguio Trip 2013

Last april  we went to Baguio city Philippines, we ride in the bus from Manila  to baguio with roki, joe, and henry, while the victory bus is running to the 30 degree  angle road for almost 45 minutes going up, i take a video using the sanyo camera, it took me 45 minutes to cover going up, the road is zigzag and the view outside is very nice, the view has many tree and beautiful houses, the mountain is very high... oh what a wonderful Baguio, i dream it last 1997, and i reach it last april 2013 and that is a holy week day, and after we step down to the victory liner bus, we have seen many big trees, beautiful hotels  and beautiful buildings, we walk for 15 minutes and we reach the beautiful Burnhum park at about 5:30 pm, the park is very full of different race of people from other countries, the park has a body of water at the center, the body of water is about a 1 hectar with many beautiful boats in it. And i see the different boat full of people. I take some ...

My name Is Henry Ayonon

I graduated in high school last 1991 at Surallah National Agricultural school, that is in South Cotabato,and after graduation we seldom meet our class mate, and after 20 years, my class mate rey we meet again, and he told me that he has a nice business, and because of that, i joint to his business and this is my web site  i use the product and i feel good and not get easily tired, it give me more energy if i compare before. And because of that, i share the product to my friend, they used the product for a few day and they are heal from their sickness, the high blood become nornal. The health product was discovered by DR. Yoshihide Hagiwara, and he said that it is a total complete food, he researched over 200 different plant for the period of 13 years. And he said the only vegetation on earth that can supply nutritional support from birth to old age. It has a vitamin, mineral, amino acids, enzymes, protain, chlorophyll, phytonutrients and phytochemical...