
Showing posts from July 30, 2017

Bureau of FIRE Protection

Here at Manila we are always hear the sound and tone produce by Bureau of fire protection fire truck if there is a house or establishment that attack by an  uncontrolled fire. To recall my experience, when i was  in paso de blas Vallenzuella metro manila, working as an industrial electrician last 1998 at Paper mills, the company that i am working was burn by uncontrolled fire, as an employee, we respond and we use fire extinguisher to put out the fire, but because the said company  is full of used paper come from other country, we are not able to stop the huge fire because of strong wind and the used paper are very dry, the fire eat the 3 building of the company for five days and five night. The many fire truck coming in and coming out to put out the fire but the vast fire can not be controlled. BFP : Bureau of Fire Protection - To Save Lives and Properties Final List of Fire Inspector via Lateral Entry as of 29 June 2017 ...  BFP -SSVP RFQ 2017-059: