M odern technology was invented by the scientist and inventor because of modern society. Speaking of modern technology and modern invention, there are so many invention today, among the invention are modern gadget, modern camera, and many other. Now we will try to see their many invention.
Philippine Patent Office .... is the government agency that are responsible to all Pilipino invention , if you want your invention to mass production, make sure to acquire all legal document at Philippine Patent Office so that you have legal right over your invention. Well, speaking of invention, try to look around you, and you can see many invention, like cellphone, laptop, computer, ang iyong kaldero, or rice cooker, spoon, lighter, radio set, headphone, speaker and many inventions, before they market it, they acquire legal paper to the PATENT OFFICE. Patent Application in the Philippines | Federis Law www.federislaw.com.ph/faqs-resources/patent-application/ For an invention to be patentable, it must be a technical solution to a problem in any field of human activity. The invention must also be new, involves an inventive step, and is industrially applicable. Can one obtain a patent on computer software or program in the Philippines ? ...
https://youtu.be/Vr0D2IckD4M Mindanao in reality, the truth is not all part of Mindanao is in war as of year 2017. Actually i am living in southern Mindanao and our people are peace loving citizen of the Philippines republic. Some part of Mindanao is in war because of the personal interest of some foreign nationality and other people.
My first time to ride in the hilicopter, first time i hide to the hilicopter is at Mt. diwata diwalwal moncayo Davao del norte that is last 1990. The passanger of the hilicopter is 6 person only, as the hilicopter start , it produce noise, the air is starting to come in inside through the 3 inches circle window, as it start to lift up, i have seen beautiful view outside, i have seen tall tree, body of water, rice field, cow, carabao, bus, people harvesting the rice, people plowing the farm and flying bird, many house at the gold mining site, forest full of tree. It takes 7 minutes to the hilicopter to fly from Diwalwal to moncayo Davao del norte, it is very nice to ride to that air craft and i am very happy to ride it.
Mindanao is always in news, some are good news and some are bad news. The Philippine government is declaring Marshal law in Mindanao area, it means the Philippine military officer can arrest any person without arrest warrant papers. Air strike can be seen in in TV news in Mindanao, it means that the government is protecting his people and land area. Modern weapon was tested in reality because of war in Mindanao, the Philippine government is spending a lot of money to buy modern weapon for the modern enemy. Actually Mindanao is a nice place to live because of nice climatic condition, the typhoon is seldom in the promise land Mindanao.
I t is a must to all car owner to transact his legal document with the Land Transportation Office, like other government offices, LTO office has very important role in modern society where many car are moving. If you are a person that drive the vehicle you must have a legal or registered drivers licence, and you should meet the age qualification standard, actually, minor are not allowed to drive the vehicle or a car. Driving a car or vehicle without drivers licence is punishable by law, minor who drive a vehicle is not allowed by law . Motor Vehicle Registration - LTO www.lto.gov.ph/frequently-asked-questions/motor-vehicle-registration Nov 21, 2016 - For further clarification of motor vehicle registration schedule, the ... My 1st registration was at LTO Makati, can I transfer my next registration at Caloocan D.O.? ... Learn more about the Philippine g...
There are so many project of BPI or the bureau of Plant industry. Bureau of Plant Industry has a role in developing our seed or developing plant seed, organic farming or organic agriculture, organic variety material or planting material, fruit crop, vegetable crop. Bureau of Plant Industry - Home bpi.da.gov.ph/ Bureau of Plant Industry , Bureau of Plant Industry production Guide, Announcement, Events and Activities, Agriculture, Plant, Bureau. You visited this page on 8/9/17. Contact Us OFFICE, IN-CHARGE, Phone No. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR ... Mission and Vision It is therefore committed to meet and satisfy the needs of its ... Contact OFFICE, IN-CHARGE, Phone No. OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR. Govph Bureau of Plant Industry,Bureau of Plant Industry production Guide, ... B.P.I. Offices BPI Offices Divisions ... of BPI centers, DA Regional Field ... Forms / Permits / Cetificates ...
Manny Pacquaio is a world renown Filipino boxer, from General Santos city, that is in the part of Mindanao island in the Philippine country . Manny Pacquiao - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manny_Pacquiao Emmanuel Dapidran " Manny " Pacquiao , PLH is a Filipino professional boxer and politician. In boxing Manny Pacquiao Biography - Childhood, Life Achievements & Timeline www.thefamouspeople.com/profiles/manny-pacquiao-7178.php Mar 28, 2016 - Manny Pacquiao is a Filipino boxer, media celebrity, and politician. This biography provides detailed information about his childhood, life, .. Manny Pacquiao profile: From living on the streets, to the richest fight ... www.independent.co.uk › Sport › More Sports › Boxing Apr 30, 2015 - Manny Pacquiao faces Floyd Mayweather on Saturday night in the richest fight in boxing history, but the 36-year-old's biggest battles...
When i first time to ride at the back of the horse, i feel nervous what to do, i feel the smoothness at the back of the horse, i drive the horse using the rope connecting to his mouth, as i pull the rope to the right direction, the horse goes to the right direction!, when i pull the rope to the left direction,the horse goes to the left direction too! ... now i know how to drive the horse, i can command a horse to walk, to jog or to run by using the rope attached to his mouth, i can make him stop running or stop walking by using the rope attached to the horse mouth!
We visited the site and the training camp of the Philippine Military Academy at Baguio city Philippines, as we walking around the campus, we see many tall pine tree and a nice view around the PMA as we walk we see many cadet that are involve in different training, some of them are in the jogging and they are wearing white shot and white t shirt while in the jogging, some of the other group is in the class maybe, but as we see they are under the tree taking class maybe and they are wearing white t shirt and white short also, we also seen many cadet that are in the marching field and we are very happy to watch their training and there are times that the cadet conduct a weapon firing. We also visited PMA museum, and we see many display, like metal hot during the 1940 war, the weapon and many other. We also see old world war 2 cannon, we also see year 1940 aircraft and tank, my friend said to me, henry ang bigat nitong tanki, mga ilang tonilada ito kaya, pwede ba ito ipakilo sa ...
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