
Facebook is an online social media that can connect the people in communicating each other.

But how? ... the answer is you need an internet connection, a laptop or cellphone that can be used.

First you must have an e mail address, you can chose yahoo or gmail e mail, just log on to Yahoo sign up in google, then sign up there. And after that go to www.facebook.com and sign up there with your yahoo e mail address in use, be sure to write your information and kept it for the future use. Then explore.

If you want gmail email address, go to gmail sign up email, then sign up there.
Use your gmail e mail address, then go to google and search facebook sign up, then sign up ...write your  information in  a paper for future use.

My tip to you is do not be shy to ask a help in your trusted people that know the correct process ... practice and practice like me, if you do not know use google in the internet, search any you want, that knowledge was imparted to me by my friend joe, ... thank for reading my cute blog friend



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