I like science, and i want to invent... well i watch a tv news about Pilipino inventor and i like their invention, now we will try to search in YouTube Pilipino inventor! wow! ...Proud ako sa invention ng mga Pilipino.

Many says that Pilipino is talented in term of invention, BUT sad to say that they lack money to finance their research and some are not able to patent their inventions.

speaking of patent, the inventor must process his legal papers to the Philippine  Patent Office, to obtain the intellectual property rights over his invention, actually or maybe all inventions should be patented so that you have the right to your invention, any invention that are useful to to the society must be patented before marketing it so that you can market it, the invention that are not patented can be copy or maybe the other person can patent it.

Philippine Laws on Patents - Patent & Trademark Lawyers


the local application expressly claims priority; it is filed within twelve (12) months from the date the earliest foreign application was filed; and. a certified copy of the foreign application together with an English translation is filed within six (6) months from the date of filing in the Philippines. (Section 31)

[PDF]RA 8293 - Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines


PART I. THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OFFICE. SECTION 1. Title. – This Act shall be known as the. "Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines." SEC. 2

Some books writer say that, if you want to patent your invention, you must go to a LAWYER for legal advice.



Philippine Military Academy Long video documentary