YouTube What is YouTube

YouTube ...What is YouTube... Is more about on video, just go on ... if you are on that site just search  or type any word, and you got a video to watch, example if you want to watch horse fight just search or type Henry Ayonon on YouTube !!! wow!!!

IF you want to see a place or your province , ... just search on YouTube or type it in that site, and you will see a video for that!!! wow!!! ....

If you want to see yamashita treasure documentary, just search it type yamashita treasure or any you want to watch.

If you want exta income you need to have an e mail address in Gmail, but how? ... just  search in google, Gmail sign up, and sign up there.

Now log no to www. then sign up using your gmail e mail address, be sure to write down your information and kept it.

If you have a nice and unique original video,  upload it to YouTube!!!

Now, how to earn? ... just monitize it in the YouTube settings... Try it!!!



Philippine Military Academy Long video documentary